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FindLaw Newsletters Help

Thanks for your interest in FindLaw's newsletters! Below are some common questions we receive from subscribers. You can also feel free to contact us if you can't find what you're looking for here.

If you're ready to manage your subscriptions, please visit the newsletter subscription page.

  • How do I subscribe to newsletters?

    You can find a list of our current titles covering a variety of legal topics on our FindLaw Newsletters Page.

  • I'm not a lawyer. Where do I find the newsletters for me?

    FindLaw has several newsletters for non-lawyers. You can find them under "Consumers" on the FindLaw Newsletter Page.

  • Why am I not receiving a newsletter I used to receive?

    We regularly refresh our newsletter offerings to keep up with the times. Recently, this included a major consolidation of our previous 40+ titles into the current offerings.

    You can find a link to 'update your subscriptions' in the footer of every newsletter we send. That's the best way to revise your selections.

  • How do I keep newsletters from going in my spam folder?

    Make sure that your email client (e.g., Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail, Hotmail, etc.) knows that the email isn't junk or spam.

    Most clients will allow you to mark an email as "Safe" or not "Junk," so make sure your FindLaw newsletters are not marked as "Junk" or "Spam."

    Add each newsletter title to your contacts or Safe Sender list. If your email is hosted by a company or organization, contact that organization's IT department and ask that your FindLaw Newsletters be white listed by the server or firewall. This may require forwarding these emails to the responsible IT professional.

  • My newsletters look different. What's going on?

    We're constantly updating the look, feel, and experience of our newsletters. If things look different, it's part of our continuing mission of providing you with informative and engaging newsletters.

    Please feel free to let us know what you think of our newsletters. We welcome your feedback! 

  • How do I change my newsletter subscriptions?

    Click the 'update your subscriptions' link in the footer of any newsletter we send. This will allow you to modify your subscriptions, or unsubscribe entirely.

  • How do I unsubscribe from all newsletters?

    Click the "Unsubscribe from all FindLaw newsletters" link in the footer of our newsletters. This is a 'one click' unsubscribe and removes your email address from our list.

    Please note, this will unsubscribe you from every newsletter we offer. You will have to re-subscribe to begin receiving our newsletters again.

  • What happened to the log in and registration thing? I used to have to do that.

    It's gone! We've removed the login and registration system from our site. You can now sign up for newsletters by simply selecting your newsletters, entering your email address, and clicking subscribe.

    You can modify your subscriptions by clicking the 'Update your subscriptions' link in the footer of our newsletters. You can also unsubscribe entirely there.

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